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Health and Fitness

The Secret To Losing Weight Is Having The Right Mindset

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I have been doing a lot of mindset work with my business coach. She always says that “our thoughts create our feelings which create our actions.” I realized that this mirrors my fitness and weight loss journey. I started my fitness journey at 215 pounds. I tried so many diets and I “failed” at them and then reward myself with junk.


  • “I’ll never be able to actually change.”

  • “I don’t have what it takes.”

  • “I guess I am destined to be overweight for the rest of my life.”

  • “It’s too hard.”

  • “I have too far to go.”

None of these were positive thoughts and it was too overwhelming and stressful. I doubted myself that I could actually be successful. Every time that I fell off I was simply proving myself right, I could not be successful at losing weight.

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I changed my thought on September 28, 2012. Rather than thinking I had to far too go and I would never be able to change. I changed my thought to be:

“I am not going to quit this time.”

That thought made me feel empowered, in control, optimistic. I had the feelings and thoughts of when it gets hard, I am not going to quit. When I said the words:

“I refuse to quit this time.”

…it felt really good. When I felt good, I was then able to take positive actions. Figuring out how to overcome my excuses, showing up for myself even when it was hard, working through my struggle . It is easy to search for a quick fix when maybe it’s not a quick fix we need, we need to fix what’s inside of us first.

Weight loss is not a secret, it’s science. It’s just having the right mindset. But is your mindset serving you? I know mindset work is not the sexy thing, bit it’s a game changer. Here is what you need to know:

  • You can do a lot of things but you aren’t going to find success until your mindset matches your actions.

  • Your mindset is going to lead those actions.

  • You cannot create a positive result from a negative place.

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Maybe you or someone else out there reading this blog post is realizing that their thoughts are not serving you and you need to own it. Choose differently and to work on it. There is something called a “Bridge Thought.” It is hard to go from:

“I hate losing weight and I am always going to be overweight.”


“I can lose weight and love it.”

Maybe your new thoughts are:

“I am committed to learning how to lose weight.”

“I am committed to showing up for myself everyday.”

Think thoughts that you truly believe in your core and provides you a positive feeling that then allows you to take those positive actions.


I share this because I started this business to help even just ONE person have a breakthrough moment. My Virtual Bootcamps walk you through commitment mindset, nutrition coaching, at-home workouts and support from myself and my team along the way. If I can help change even ONE person’s life, it is all worth it!

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