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Health and Fitness

Hammer and Chisel Results

No matter how often I post progress pictures, I always get so nervous!

DRUM ROLL PLEASE….. wink emoticon

Here are my official Hammer and Chisel results! I am down 13.7 lbs in the 60 days (+ 1 week of vacation in there). 

Of all my progress pictures, I think these are my favorite ones. Yep – I don’t have a six pack or anything like that, but gosh, I am REALLY proud of this body I have worked so hard for.I made a promise to myself when I had my son that I would get to 140 lbs before trying for another baby. I started my last pregnancy at 165 lbs and I really wanted to be at my ultimate goal weight that I set three years ago before having another baby. I know the scale is just a number, but it was a really important milestone for me. I wanted to finally be able to say “I hit my ultimate goal”. When I was 215 lbs three years ago, I set a goal to be 140 lbs and if I am honest – I never actually thought I would achieve it. 

But….I did it. I FREAKING DID IT!!!!!!!

The last two months have been TOUGH. During this time frame I had 4 Christmas celebrations, New Year’s Eve, a week long vacation in Jamaica and we bought a house. Lots of events and stressful situations that I could have used as excuses. Did I struggle? Yes. Did I have cheats? Yep!….but I didn’t quit. I may have had a few cheats at the end of this program, but I NEVER MISSED A WORKOUT. And I gave those workouts everything I had. 

Want to know the best part? 

I was able to do this AT HOME. I didn’t need to pay for a personal trainer or a gym, I didn’t have to pack up and go to the gym after work, I didn’t have to sacrifice time from my family to workout – I was able to fit this into my already jam packed schedule.

These results are from:

– 60 days of Hammer and Chisel
– Drinking Shakeology daily
– Using Energize preworkout before each workouts
– Drinking the Recover postworkout shake after each workout
– Following the portion controlled meal plan

When I was overweight – I had every excuse in the book of why I couldn’t be as successful as the people I followed online. I was fatter, I was busier, I was more tired, I worked more, etc. If you are one of those people, looking at my progress, watching me hit my ultimate goal weight – just know, I was in your shoes too. Sitting at home, scrolling Facebook, WISHING I could have the success others saw. If that is you – just know that you can do this too. The only difference between me and you is that I did something about it. I stopped WISHING and I started DOING. I didn’t wish for my goal weight – I WORKED for it. There is nothing stopping you from working for it too – except you. You are the only person standing in your way of getting to your ultimate goal.

You owe it to YOURSELF to hit your goals. You owe it to yourself to feel happy, confident and healthy. Don’t you deserve that?

Getting healthy changed my entire life and all the sweat and tears – they have been WORTH it, because I AM WORTH IT.

My passion is helping women learn to love themselves and find the same results I have – in the comfort of their own homes. If you want help, please reach out! I would love to help you reach your goals —>

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